CareCar App

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

CareCar App

The Problem

The current consumption model of the world is heavily based on a throw-away culture which is detrimental to the environment. For Barterrup the consumerism of the 21st century needs alternatives to reduce waste, increase product usage cycle, and enable product acquisition without fueling environmentally detrimental consumerism.

The Idea

Barterrup aims to build the world’s largest sharing community with accessibility, inclusivity, and reusability, at its core.

The Solution

Barterrup aims to be an alternative to the marketplace, a shareplace. Barterrup will allow people to adopt sustainable consumption, reusability, and recyclability in their consumption cycle by creating a platform where people can give away or barter things, they don’t need any more with someone looking for the product, replacing market-based consumption with sharing-based consumption.


Alesand Round
(Extra Bold)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
q r s t u v w x y z

  • #8e3c94
  • #d44c9c
  • #64349c
  • #060106

Key Features of The App


List the product you want to barter and the product you’re looking to barter it with to find the right barter partner for you!


Just want to de-clutter? The giveaway module on Barterrup allows you to find a person in need of the product, connect with them, and complete the giveaway.


Need a product that you don’t want to buy from the open market? Create a “need” listing on Barterrup and find a community member willing to give away or barter that product!

Campaign Categorization

Categorize your listing based on various campaigns launched by Barterrup for increased chances of matching with a community member for barters and giveaways!

Condition Filters

Categorize your product’s listing using Barterrup’s “pre-loved” and “new” filters to label your products use-age for better chances of matching with a bartering partner.

Location Filters

Create a radius or city-based location filter to restrict your product search for an optimized listing view that best fits your convenience or requirements.

The Result

At launch, Barterrup boasts 10,000 unique users with whom the barterrup vision aligns, radically shifting global consumption patterns and habits.